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Flowers on Grungy Wall

Meet the Owners of GarageTown LLC

Brady & Jennifer Taylor

Grunge Wood
GarageTown LLC

Our ol' 10 acre charm farm dates back to before MN was a state in the abstract. It's been in Brady’s family since the summer of '69 and we plan to keep it that way for generations to come. The original family that homesteaded the property came from Czechoslovakia. They built the hand-hewn log cabin on a boulder foundation and owned it for 112 years. Brady grew up in the home since '87 which has transformed over time into the gem that we have today. We kickstarted our journey at GarageTown LLC with our wedding in August, 2021. We look forward to creating more memories and sharing our historic and creative property with you!


Forever Grateful,

Brady & Jenni

GarageTown LLC
GarageTown LLC
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